Monday 20 August 2007

Some Monkey Pics

Nothing new to report but I do have some sock monkey pics.

Mr Sparkles preparing to go and see Monty.

Mr Sparkles on the train.

Mr Sparkles and Monty are reunited.

They hang out.

Enjoy the view

Order some food.

And then to bed.

Two days later Mr Sparkles gets a letter

And a photo.

Crazee4books, I do recommend Tamora Pierce. It's basically teen fantasy where the lead characters are all female. Definitely worth reading but you should start from the beginning, the Lioness Quartet.


Crazee4books said...

Dear Karen,


Love to Mr Sparkles.

From Judy

Leeland said...

I just love these monkey pics...
I think it's great that the two are getting along so well!