Sunday 15 April 2007


The Doctor returns to New Earth. This time they arrive in the lower levels of the city. Where everyone accepts that they spend most of their lives travelling the motor way. It all seems perfectly natural to them. The Doctor visits and old friend and discovers why the motorway has become a way of life. Meanwhile Martha discovers the dangers of the fast lane.

I liked this episode better than last weeks. I did think though that we were going to have to have a whole series of the Doctor refusing to talk about his past. Thankfully Martha is stubborn and refused to move until he talked. Think that I like Martha as the new companion. I also thought that the Face of Boes last message was a little predictable but it might make for an interesting future episode.

I finished the last part of the gift for my swap partner. It is a little drawstring bag to protect a book. Again I used a dragon from dragons dreams. This time I used the water dragon as it still fitted with my swap partners favourite colours. The dragon is a little off centre as I decided at the last minute to make the bag a little bigger than I originally intended. At that point I had already stitched the dragon. I am planning on making more of these at some point as I have a few friends that might like them. I am thinking of making one for myself too using one of the other dragon charts. Not sure which one yet though.

Meet Mr Sparkles. Mr Sparkles is my sock monkey and he will be going with me on my travels. Here's a tip for anyone making sock monkeys. Don't use socks with metallic threads in them. Poor Mr Sparkles looks a little worse for wear as these socks didn't stitch or cut well. Last night I finished my sisters too. She has called him Hector Montgomery. I won't be posting a pic until I finish his twin which is going to a friend in work. I have ran out of stuffing so it will be another week before he is done. I also have another one to make as a friend has promised to take one to Italy with her and snap photo's of him at the wedding she is going to.

Lili, the sock monkeys are made from one pair of socks. One sock is used for the body and the legs. The other sock is cut up to make the rest of him. His mouth is made from the heel of the second sock. The instructions say that you can make a hat for the monkey with the toes of the second sock but I just throw them away. Unfortunately the instructions I found on line are no longer there.

crazee4books, I have never been to a convention. Most conventions would mean travelling and the only person who would be willing to go with me wouldn't be willing to travel. I got bored with Voyager too. It did get better later on but it was still mostly about seven of nine. I did like Enterprise but I only got to see the first two seasons. I loved DS9. At one point I even liked it better the TNG. I agree Picard is definitely the best Captain.


TimeWarden said...

Agreed on both counts. "Gridlock" was better than last week's episode and Boe's secret was a little predictable. That future episode you allude to is probably the 11th or 12th!

I'm in a minority but I enjoyed "Voyager", some stories more than others, but I didn't mind 7 of 9 although I was a bit miffed at the time that she replaced the charming Kes!

Can you tell me how both "DS9" and "Voyager" ended as I missed the finales of both shows? I've still no idea of who survived and who died!

Leeland said...

Yes, I haven't been able to find the explanations for the monkey. Quite disappointing. This one looks too cute as well! I just love the idea that these little wonders are travelling the world and that snaps of them will be taken in the most various places. I hope you will make special posts for them!
Last saturday, we have watched Harry Potter and the Goblin of Fire with the kids, and I think (90% sure) that Dr Who is a bad guy in the movie. Do you confirm? I forgot to check the names of the actors afterwards...
This idea of stitched bags to protect the books is great, and this one looks wonderful.
Take care!