Sunday 20 May 2007

42 and Another Kitty

After a week without Doctor Who I certainly missed it and looked forward to this episode all the more. The Doctor and Martha land on a ship headed towards the sun. They have 42 minutes to get the engines going again or they will collide with the sun. Meanwhile one of the crew is possessed with a parasite and has started to kill them off one by one. The Doctor and Martha now have to help the crew get the ship working again as well as working out why the parasite wants to kill everyone.

This did remind me of last series episode "The Impossible Planet". Running from possessed crew members, running through the ship, Doctor in a space suit and trying to get away from a black hole (in the case of 42 the sun). So far in series three this has been my favourite episode. I was caught up in the story right from the start. This series seems to have lots more action than the previous one and I have enjoyed that aspect of it. I was also pleasantly surprised by Michelle Collins. I'm not that big of a fan but enjoyed her performance in this. It's become increasingly obvious though that the Dr Who team enjoy killing off their guest stars. Would be nice if one of them survived.

Remember the Margaret Sherry cats I was stitching? I picked them up again and here is cat number 4. I had put them aside to work on some swaps but they have all wrapped up now since I am not home often enough to work on them. I think this poor kitty has been blamed for something he didn't do. Normally he would be the culprit but this time he is innocent. I have halfway through cat number five. I am hoping that it won't be long until I finish all six and have them placed in their coasters. Then I will have one Christmas present put aside.

Timewarden, Abarat was a great book. It was the illustrations which really stood out for me. I have only ever read one other book by Clive Barker, Cold heart Canyon, and I didn't like it that much. If it hadn't been for the fact that I was sent "Abarat" by a friend it would never have occurred to me to try another of his books. I'm glad I did though and I have been told he has a book of short stories which are equally as good. I have never watched any of his films though. I prefer to read horror than watch it.

Lili, you are far from pathetic. I am exactly the same. I need to know that I have a book there. I get antsy otherwise. Two nights ago I finished reading a book. It was quite late and I was tired so I went straight to bed. Normally I would try and pick out a book and at least read a few pages. As I was too tired it was the first thing I did the next day. I couldn't go an entire day without knowing that I had another book to read.

crazee4books, thanks for the tip. I do actually have "The Ill-Made Mute" in my TBR pile. It was a gift from someone a while back and I just haven't gotten round to reading it yet.

1 comment:

TimeWarden said...

Barker's book(s) of short stories are the "Books of Blood" I previously mentioned. They were originally published in six volumes but were reissued as two complete compilations. I believe there are five "Abarat" novels in total. The film "Hellraiser" originated from another of his novels called "The Hellbound Heart" which itself was inspired by Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart".

I thought "42" was a good episode, too, despite the zillion illogicalities! Whoever heard of putting a fail-safe device on the outside of a ship, for example?